275 iškrypimų ir fetišų sąrašas [nuo švelnių iki laukinių!] (3 dalis)
Sveiki atvykę į mūsų milžinišką keistenybių ir fetišų sąrašą! Surinkome 275 keistenybių ir fetišų, kai kurie iš jų paplitę, kai kurie ne tokie dažni.
Be to, neįtraukėme jokių fetišų ar keistenybių, kurios laikomos iš prigimties smurtinėmis ar neteisėtomis. Taip žiūrėdami į galimus įkaitus neapsiginsite!
Be to, mūsų fetišų sąrašas ir perversijų sąrašas yra išdėstyti abėcėlės tvarka, kad būtų lengviau orientuotis. Taigi perskaitykite mūsų sąrašus ir pažiūrėkite, ar išdykėliškumas arba fetišas atitinka jūsų miegamojo veiklą.
Galbūt nustebsite sužinoję ką nors apie save! Aš žinau, kad nustebau!
- fetišų sąrašas nuo A iki Z
- Kuo skiriasi fetišas nuo iškylos?
- Kinkinių sąrašas nuo A iki Z
- Naujas fetišų sąrašas nuo A iki Z
Huge List of Kinks in Alphabetical Order
Now that we’ve answered the question, what are kinks, and described the difference between a fetish and a kink, let’s go down a huge list of the latter.
But keep in mind, the spectrum of things that are considered kinks is ever-expanding and can include just about anything!
So, on to the kink examples….
Iškrypimai prasidedantys raide A
159. Analinis seksas (Anal Sex)
Kodėl AA Analinis seksas? Tiesą sakant, supainiojau numeraciją ir man prireikė dar vienos keistenybės, kad tilptų į abėcėlę.
Tačiau analinis seksas laikomas iškrypimu. Taip yra dėl to, kad jis dažnai laikomas tabu, ypač lyčių, vyrų ir moterų porose.
Be to, analinis seksas, kaip iškrypimas, taikomas visų lyčių atstovams, kurie jį atlieka pro analinę angą, ir apima įsiskverbimą pirštais, varpa, analiniais kaiščiais, analiniais vibratoriais, analiniais karoliukais ir prostatos stimuliatoriais.
Galų gale, (hee, hee) jei ką nors kišate į užpakaliuką, užsiimate analiniu seksu, o tai yra puikus iškrypimo pavyzdys.
160. Pagrobimas kaip gundymas (Abduction as Seduction)
Pagrobimas kaip gundymas - tai vaidmenų žaidimas, kai pagrobėjas ir (arba) pagrobėjas su auka elgiasi meiliai. Be to, pats vaidmenų žaidimas taip pat laikomas iškrypimu.
Taigi kitą kartą, kai apsimesite neklaužada mokykloje, žinokite, kad tai yra vaidmenų žaidimas ir dar vienas iškrypimo pavyzdys.
161. Švitrinimas (Abrasion)
Abrazija - tai BDSM perversija, kai subjektas mėgaujasi šiurkščiais, braižančiais ir abrazyviniais paviršiais, pavyzdžiui, švitriniu popieriumi, vilna ar odos šveitikliais.
Taigi, jei jaučiant šiurkščias tekstūras jums kyla šiurpuliukai, gerąja prasme, galbūt jums tiesiog patinka naujas iškrypimas.
162. Ooops, aš ir vėl tai padariau: Atsitiktinė stimuliacija (Ooops, I Did It Again: Accidental Stimulation)
Ar kada nors darėte ką nors nekenksmingo, pavyzdžiui, skalbėte, o paskui supratote, kad kaskart pritūpus džinsai trina jūsų genitalijas taip, kad jums ima dilgčioti? Jei atsakėte teigiamai, vadinasi, patyrėte iškrypimą, vadinamą atsitiktine stimuliacija.
Šis iškrypimas susijęs su atsitiktine fizine stimuliacija ir situacijomis, kurios sukelia susijaudinimą.
163. Taip, mama: Žaidimas su amžiumi (Yes, Mommy: Age Play)
Žaidimas pagal amžių - tai vaidmenų žaidimas, kurio metu vienas arba abu partneriai apsimeta esantys kitokio amžiaus. Amžiaus žaidimų rūšys, be kita ko, yra infantilizmas, tėčio / dukros arba „Dominavimo“ žaidimai ir žaidimai su sauskelnėmis.
Be to, jei „Žaidimas su amžiumi“ perauga į kažką, kas jus seksualiai jaudina, vien apie tai pagalvojus, tai perauga į fetišą. Priešingu atveju „Žaidimas su amžiumi“ gali būti saugus ir smagus vaidmenų žaidimas.
164. Anilingusas (Anilingus)
Anilingus - tai iškrypimas, kai burna ir liežuviu seksualiai stimuliuojate partnerio išangę. Be to, šis iškrypimas dar vadinamas rimingu (rimming. arba rim job).
165. Autofelacija (Autofellatio)
Taigi, autofelatacija - tai iškrypimas, kai vyras pats sau daro oralinį. Ir dideli aplodismentai tau, jei taip gali!
B Iškrypimai
Iškrypimų, prasidedančių raide B, sąrašas
166. Zoofilija (Beastiality)
Zoofilija - tai iškrypimas, kai žmonės užsiima seksu su gyvūnais. Deja, taip nutinka ir daugelyje šalių tai yra neteisėta.
Tačiau kai kurie gali nesunkiai išpildyti šią keistenybę žaisdami vaidmeninius žaidimus, kurie yra 100 % legalūs, o atliekant šią neįprastą keistenybę nenukenčia jokie gyvūnai.
167. Akių užrišimas (Blindfolding)
Akių užrišimas - tai pojūčių atėmimo būdas, kuris sustiprina visus pojūčius ir užtikrina neįtikėtiną seksą. Be to, tai yra iškrypimo forma!
Taigi, susiraskite raištį akims ir šį vakarą su partneriu užsiimkite iškrypimu!
168. Kūno pripūtimas (Body Inflation)
Kūno pripūtimas - tai ištvirkusi praktika pripūsti arba apsimesti, kad pripūtėte kūno dalį, dažnai siekiant seksualinio pasitenkinimo. Nežinau, kaip išpūsti savo kūną, nebent tai būtų didelė „Taco Bell“ vakarienė, bet tai yra tikras iškrypimas.
169. Tavo tatuiruotė: Kūno modifikavimas (Tattoo You: Body Modification)
Kai kurie žmonės praktikuoja kūno modifikavimo išmonę. Tai gali reikšti bet ką, kas keičia kūno išvaizdą - nuo tatuiruočių iki auskarų.
170. Pririšimas (Bondage)
Pririšimas yra BDSM dalis, o tiems, kurie praktikuoja vienas kito surišimą sekso metu, jis laikomas iškrypimu. Be to, surišimas gali apimti antrankių ar virvės naudojimą tik ant riešų, lovos diržų naudojimą ant riešų ir kulkšnių arba kitų surišimo būdų, pavyzdžiui, kojų skėtiklių, išbandymą.
171. Ženklinimas (Branding)
Ženklinimas - tai iškrypimas, kai kas nors pažymimas simboliu ar žodžiu, paprastai naudojant įkaitintą daiktą. Tačiau ženklinimas yra pavojingas, nes gali sukelti rimtų sužalojimų ir infekcijų.
172. Kvėpavimo žaidimai (Breath Play)
Kvėpavimo žaismas - tai iškrypimas, apibūdinamas kaip dusinimas ir kvėpavimo ribojimas sekso metu. Taip yra todėl, kad praktikuojantys šį iškrypimą teigia, jog tai sustiprina orgazmą.
Taigi, atminkite, kad šis iškrypimas yra pavojingas, galintis sukelti sužalojimus, smegenų pažeidimus ir net mirtį. Todėl, jei norite jį išbandyti, geriausia apsimesti vaidmenų žaidimų metu.
173. Veisimo iųkrypimas (Breeding Kink)
Tiems, kurie mėgaujasi Breeding Kink, dažnai patinka vidinė ejakuliacija, spermos (nesvarbu, ar tai būtų sperma, ar koks nors naminis spermos receptas, ar viena iš daugelio į spermą panašių lubrikantų rūšių) patekimas į jų vidų ir nešvankios kalbos apie nėštumą.
Iškrypimai prasidedantys raide C
174. (Lock Me Up! Chastity Play Kinks
Chastity Play Kinks describe when someone blocks access their own, or their partner’s genitals for sexual pleasure, submission, dominance and teasing. Yes, this is commonly practiced in BDSM, as well as being a sexual fetish for some.
But if you’re simply playing with chastity to spice things up, it remains a kink. So, try a chastity cage or chastity belt on your partner for some kinky, erotic fun.
175. (Cock and Ball Torture
Cock and Ball Torture is a kink where someone derives sexual pleasure from testicle and penis torture. For instance, these activities can include whipping, chastity cages, electrostimulation devices and other cock and ball torture sex toys to cross the pleasure/pain threshold.
176. (Consensual Non-Consent
A Consensual Non-Consent Kink is a part of role playing, where a couple plays out situations that give the illusion of non-consent. For instance, breaking and entering fantasies, sex slave and master, as well as forced sexual contact are consensual, non-consensual kinks.
177. (Corsetry
Corsetry is the act of wearing a corset, sometimes to the extent of changing the shape and size of one’s body. In addition, this kink can also be arousing to the partner, who likes the appearance of a corset or other types of lingerie.
178. (Cross-Dressing
Cross-Dressing is a kink in which someone gets aroused by occasionally dressing like a member of the opposite gender. And although Cross-Dressing is a common fetish, adding it to some kinky role playing can definitely add a new dimension to an otherwise vanilla sex life.
179. (Cupping
With the kink of Cupping, small cups or jars are suctioned to the body, usually the back, using heat or a hand pump. So, this kink is another way of pushing the boundaries of the pleasure and pain thresholds.
180. (Cum Kink
A Cum Kink is when someone enjoys ejaculate, either real or fake, and a lot of it! In addition, they may enjoy watching someone ejaculate, like cumming on their partner, or even using fake cum as lube or to cover their partner’s body.
My article, “How to Make Fake Cum”, explores all the reasons someone may use fake cum, as well as the Cum Kink itself.
Kinks That Begin with D
181. (Degradation
Next on our list of kinks is Degradation. Basically, if you like when your partner talks down to you during sex, you might be into degradation.
Furthermore, this is one of those kinks that works especially well with domination and submission role playing.
182. (You’re a Bad Boy! Discipline Kink
Another kink that falls within the realm of BDSM is Discipline. Discipline is giving or receiving punishment for perceived infractions.
Furthermore, switching roles from dominant to submissive, while practicing Discipline, is an exciting way to experiment with a BDSM role-playing dynamic.
183. (Dirty Talk Kink
Some may believe that talking dirty during sex is somewhat tame. However, Dirty Talk can add some naughty fun to sex, especially if you or your partner are usually quiet in the bedroom.
184. (The Dominance Kink
A Dominance Kink is a part of BDSM and where one partner displays 100% dominance over the other. In turn, the submissive submits to everything their partner orders.
Well, that is, after consent is given and received, and a safe word is in place!
185. (Double Penetration
Another kinky sex act on our list of kinks is Double Penetration. This entails a vagina and rear being penetrated by a penis, strap-on dildo, butt plug or fingers at the same time.
186. (Drool Kink
A Drool Kink is when someone is turned on by the drool of their partner, usually when they are wearing a ball gag or performing fellatio on a penis.
187. (DVP Kink
DVP stands for double vaginal penetration and is a kink some people enjoy. Unlike double penetration, DVP involves two penises in the vagina simultaneously or a penis and a dildo or vibrator.
Furthermore, the DVP Kink can be pleasurable for the vagina-owner, the penis-owner or both.
E Kinks
188. (Edge Play
Edge Play encompasses any kink that is considered more risky or extreme. Examples of this kink include breath play, knife play, fire play, and any activity that entails risk of physical danger or harm.
Therefore, it’s crucial that any of these kinks be approached with extreme caution or simulated during role playing.
189. (Shocking Electrostimulation
Electrostimulation Kinks involve using the power of electricity or batteries to receive an electric shock, for kinky, sexy fun.
Plus, there are all sorts of electrostimulation sex toys available like TENS units, electro wands and even cock cages to bring a literal spark to your sex life.
190. (Enemas
Yes, Enemas are a kink for some folks, as well as being a fetish. This kink involves flushing someone’s rectum and bowels with warm water, or an over-the-counter enema solution.
However, just know that enemas can cause stomach cramps and will keep you in the bathroom for a good while.
191. (Erotic Asphyxiation
This dangerous kink is a part of the breath play kink. This involves limiting the supply of oxygen to the brain during sex in order to heighten arousal and intensify orgasms.
Again, this is a kink that can cause injury, permanent disability and even death. Therefore, it’s not something to be taken lightly.
192. (Exhibitionism
Exhibitionism is a common kink for being naked and having sex in front of others. Examples of this kink include masturbating for your partner, having sex in front of a window, or having sex in front of a group at a sex party or swingers club.
F Kinks
List of Kinks That Start with F
193. (Face Fucking
Face Fucking is a blow job related kink where the partner with a penis or strap-on holds their partner’s head and thrusts into their mouth. Additionally, the face can be fucked in the missionary sex position.
194. (Best Seat in the House: Face Sitting
Face Sitting or Queening is the act of a person with a vulva sitting on their partner’s face to receive oral sex. And although this may not seem like a kink to some, to others it’s a pretty outrageous and exciting kink.
195. (Face Slapping
Face Slapping is another BDSM kink for those who want to practice dominance, punishment, and experiment with the pleasure and pain threshold. In addition, Face Slapping can be a part of the Discipline Kink.
196. (Figging
Figging is using ginger root in the anus or vagina to create a burning sensation. It must be peeled and properly shaped before sliding it into any orifice, especially the anus.
197. (Fingering
Fingering can be considered a kink and it the act of using the fingers to sexually stimulate someone’s vagina. Plus, fingering can be used as a complete sex act that ends in full-blown orgasm and even squirting.
Learning how to finger a vagina is not only an exciting kink, but something that can add a new erotic layer to your bedroom activities.
198. (Fisting Kink
This kink may have you squeezing your knees together, if you happen to have a vagina. It’s the Fisting Kink and as it sounds, your partner places their entire hand, wrist deep, into your happy place.
And while it takes precise steps and a TON of lube, believe it or not, the va-jay-j will snap back into shape.
199. (Flogging
The next kink on our list of kinks and fetishes is called Flogging. And it is described as hitting, or flogging, someone with a multi-tailed tool known as a flogger.
And while this kink is common in BDSM scenarios, it’s perfectly acceptable to try out a little pleasure-pain play to fire up your bedroom activities.
200. (Food Play
Food Play is probably one of the most common and accepted kinks. What it means is basically incorporating food into sex.
However, just be careful of the foods you use and where, as foods in the vagina can cause massive yeast infections.
201. (Foot Play
Another well-known kink is called Foot Play. Now, ordinarily, folks have a foot fetish when practicing this kink which encompasses caressing, massaging and even having intercourse with someone’s feet.
However, some folks may just be fond of feet and enjoy these activities occasionally.
202. (Frotting
This kink, known as Frotting, is the act of rubbing of two penises together. And while this can be a common activity in dual-penis relationships, it’s more of a kink when shared in group sex play.
203. (Furries
People who dress as furry animals and have sexual encounters are known as Furries. Now, this is well-known fetish, however, some folks will try out this kink, on occasion just to keep things fresh and exciting.
G Kinks
204. (Gags
Using Gags is a form of BDSM and a kink to fulfill all sorts of sexual and non-sexual fantasies. For instance, gags work for dominant-submissive play, drool kink and other types of bondage.
Best yet, gags come in all shapes and sizes from beginner ball gags and bits to penis-shaped gags and open gags.
205. (Golden Showers
Ah yes, the Golden Showers kink where some enjoy being peed on or get off on peeing on others.
H Kinks
Kinks That Start with H
206. (Hair Pulling Kink
A Hair Pulling kink is often practiced during sex, in the heat of the moment. And yes, even vanilla couples may use this one.
Furthermore, Hair Pulling can be used in role-playing and BDSM play to keep the submissive in line.
207. (Humiliation
Humiliation is a kinky tool using during role playing and BDSM. For instance, one may use verbal humiliation or force their submissive to do acts of humiliation, such as being human furniture, crawling on all fours or being treated like a dog.
And contrary to what you may believe, humiliation can be a way of someone who is always in charge of business, people and decision-making, to relinquish all responsibilities and allow someone else to be in charge.
208. (Hypoxia
Hypoxia is a type of erotic asphyxiation and describes when you are restricted of oxygen. So, this falls under the kink umbrella of Breath Play.
But again, this is extremely dangerous and can cause injury and death.
I Kinks
I Kinks
209. (Immobility
Immobility is a kink involving bondage and the inability of the submissive partner to move. Therefore, this kink can be an exciting part of role-playing or hard core BDSM.
210. (Spank Me! The Impact Play Kink
Impact Play is a kink that encompasses any activity which involves hitting, spanking, paddling or flogging. In addition, this Impact Play can be done with the hands or other body parts as well as paddles, floggers, whips and other BDSM punishment toys.
211. (Locked Up for Pleasure: Imprisonment
Imprisonment is a kink that involves being locked inside cages, confined spaces like closets, and even special made coffins.
212. (Oh, Baby! The Infantilism Kink
Infantilism is a kink and a specific type of age play where someone reverts to being a helpless baby. In turn, the Mom, Dad (often a Dom or Mistress) takes full care of them, including feeding, dressing and diapering.
213. (Internal Cumshots
Internal Cumshots is a kink similar to a cum kink. However, the person is aroused by having someone ejaculate inside them – either their vagina or rear.
214. (Interrogation Play
Interrogation Play is a form of role-playing or BDSM. What it entails is a submissive person is being held against their will and interrogated by the dominant.
Further, the scene surrounding the interrogation can be created to fulfill either of the player’s fantasies. Most importantly, all of this is done under the full consent of both parties.
215. (Intercrural or Interfemoral Sex
Intercrural – Interfemoral Sex is described as thrusting between someone’s thighs without penetration. Therefore, this sexual kink is a bit less risqué and easy to fulfill.
J Kinks
Kinks That Start with a J
216. (Japanese Bondage
Japanese Bondage, also known as Shibari, translates to “decoratively tie”, and is a bondage kink many people enjoy. In addition, it is performed with rope and requires intricate lacing and knotting techniques.
217. (Jerk Off Instructions
This kink is fun, and is basically being told, step-by-step, how to masturbate. Plus, it’s a wonderful and easy way to role play dominance with your partner.
K Kinks
218. (Kigurumi
This kink entails wearing anime masks (Partial Kigurumi), or complete anime character costumes (Complete Kigurumi), for sexual pleasure while role playing. This kink, I totally get.
“Bankai!” If you know, you know!
219. (Knife Play
Knife Play is a type of Edge Play where knives, blades or the idea of those are used in role playing and sexual situations. Yes, using real knives is dangerous.
So, it’s best to stick to props!
The One and Only L Kink
220. (Leather Subculture
The only L on our list of kinks is Leather Subculture. This is a kink described as styles of clothing, made from leather, and worn in sexual situations including BDSM and role playing.
M Kinks
M Kinks
221. (Masochism: The M in BDSM
This kink is the enjoyment of pain, punishment, and torture either in role playing or BDSM play.
222. (Doctor, Doctor! Medical Play Kink
The Medical Play kink is role play involving medical scenarios, medical implements and/or medical uniforms. I mean, who hasn’t had the naughty nurse fantasy?
223. (Mummification
Mummification is a kink where someone is bound entirely, from neck to toe, to prevent almost all movement. Additionally, it can be accomplished using plastic wrap, rope or strips of fabric.
224. (Muscle Worship
Muscle Worship is a kink where someone is fascinated with muscles to the point of arousal.
N Kinks
225. (Nasolingus
Nasolingus in a little-known kink which involves erotically sucking on someone’s nose, while enjoying any of the contents.
226. (Needle Play
This kink can be considered a part of Edge Play or Medical Play. To explain, it involves playing with needles in different ways, including piercing or scratching the skin.
227. (Nipple Play
This common kink involves sex play focused on the nipples – an extremely erogenous zone that can result in nipplegasm in some. Nipple Play can include manual manipulation, using fingers or various nipple toys like nipple clamps and nipple suckers.
228. (Nylons Kink
This common kink involves the wearing of nylon stockings for sexual arousal, or even tying a person up using these items. However, I don’t believe stockings are made from nylon any longer, but you get the jest.
O Kinks
229. (Eye to Eye: Oculolinctus
Oculolinctus is a sexual desire to lick eyeballs. And when this desire is put into action, it’s an eye-opening kink.
230. (Odaxelagnia
Odaxelangia is a kink where someone likes to bite or be bitten. And while it may or may not involve blood, it can become a part of role playing or BDSM play.
231. (Omorashi
Omorashi means “to wet oneself” in Japanese. As a kink, it refers to being aroused by the feeling of a full bladder and wetting yourself, or urinating in public.
Kinks that start with P
Sexual Kinks That Begin with P
232. (Pedal Pumping
This interesting kink combines role play and a foot fetish for dynamic, sex play. First, the damsel in distress is having car trouble and along comes her knight in shining armor to save the day.
Next, she gets behind the wheel, foot on the gas pedal, and pumps, while trying to start the car. Wow, this is definitely a specific and complicated scene to play just for a foot fetish.
But to each his/her/their own!
233. (Itsy Bitsy, Teenie Weenie: Penis Humiliation
Penis Humiliation is a kink which involves insulting a man’s penis. For example, insulting its size, appearance, and performance.
Furthermore, this is a likely kink used in a dominant and submissive role.
234. (Sit, Doggy! Pet Play
Pet Play is a kink that encompasses a variety of role playing as an animal, usually a cat or dog. During this type of role playing, the submissive partner assumes the role of the pet, using a collar and leash, eating and drinking from pet bowls and obeying commands given by the dominant partner.
235. (Picquerism
This type of kink utilizes play piercing, which is performed for temporary decoration, as well as for the sensation of breaking the skin.
236. (Giddy up! Pony Play
Under the umbrella of the kinky pet play, is Pony Play. And in this scenario, the submissive plays the role of a pony or horse.
In addition, the pony may be ridden, and even disciplined with a riding crop.
237. (Porn
You may be surprised to learn that porn, either movies or photos, is considered a kink. That’s because the most vanilla lovers usually won’t cross that threshold.
In addition to watching, reading and looking at porn, some couples may opt for recording videos of their own. But fair warning, never upload any private videos to the internet!
238. (Good Girl: Praise Kink
Praise Kink is the opposite of humiliation kink. To elaborate, people who are into praise kink, are aroused by sexual praise.
For instance, being told you’re fantastic in bed, are a good girl/boy, or being praised as if a child, are all a part of this positive, role-playing kink.
239. (Brrrr, Psychrocism
Psychrocism is an interesting kink dedicated to being cold, having sex with a cold partner, or using cold objects, such as ice dildos, ice cubes or refrigerated, steel sex toys.
240. (Public Sex
Public Sex is a kink related to exhibitionism, where couples enjoy the thrill of public sex along with the excitement of possibly getting caught. But if you try this one, start small, in your own back yard.
241. (Pussy Worship
All hail the vulva with this kink! Pussy Worship involves such things as gazing, vulva massage, oral sex and other activities that put the pussy front and center.
In addition, the pussy worshipper may verbally compliment their object of desire over its beauty, taste and aroma.
No Q Kinks So Here Are the R Kinks
242. (Rape Fantasy
There are no Q kinks, so next on our list of kinks is Rape Fantasy. To explain, this a kink for acting out a pretend rape (consensual non-consent) through role playing.
Most importantly, this type of fantasy is about consent and trust, and has little to do with the crime of rape. Instead, it fulfilling the dominant and submissive side of non-consensual sex, with consent.
243. (Revving
This kink is similar to Pedal Pushing, but includes the arousal some receive with the revving of a car engine.
244. (Robotism Kink
Robotism is a kink for robots, cyborgs, or androids, and is something often played out during sexual role play. Or, for those willing to invest some hard-earned cash, a robot sex doll will fill that kinky desire.
245. (Role Playing
I’ve mentioned role playing so much, you may not even realize that it, in and of itself, is considered a kink. And as you’ve already read, role playing covers a large and diverse quantity of kinks.
Plus, role playing is as easy as pretending to be whomever you choose, slipping into that role and having a hot time doing it!
246. (Rimming
Rimming is a kink that means using your tongue and mouth to orally pleasure someone’s bum. And it can be just as exciting to be on the receiving end of a rim job!
Kinks That Start with an S
247. (Sadism
Sadism is the other S in BDSM, and means receiving sexual gratification by inflicting pain on another. And again, you don’t have to be into BDSM to try a little pain infliction, especially if it’s something your partner desires.
248. (Scene Play
Another aspect of the role-playing kink is Scene Play. In this creative kink, you preplan a story with roles, and act it out with your partner.
Plus, during Scene Play, you can add all sorts of kinks and fetishes to round out your sexy performances!
249. (Sensation Play
Sensation Play is a softcore kink where you experiment with different sensations on the skin, body and genitals. For instance, you can play with feathers or hot wax, try a lube that tingles, or pop your dildo in the freezer for some cold sex play.
250. (Sensory Deprivation
This kink covers any play that prevents someone from using one of their five senses. For instance, you can use a blindfold to take away sight and heighten the touch receptors.
251. (Slime Kink
This messy kink involves all things slimy, like tons of lube, slime or even edible foods with a slimy consistency.
252. (Sounding
This is an extreme kink which entails inserting thin tubes and rods into the urethra. So, what does sounding feel like?
Sounding is a kink activity that blurs the pleasure and pain threshold and can be a part of BDSM or fantasy play. In addition, safe sounding toys and even kits are available at the best sex toy retailers.
253. (Spanking
Spanking is a common kink that many couples have tried, and some continue to enjoy. Further, spanking is done using a hand or paddle, and is also commonplace in BDSM and age play scenarios.
254. (Sploshing
Sploshing is another messy kink. It means being turned on by being pelted by wet, squishy, messy foods.
255. (Stuffing Kink
Next on the list of kinks and fetishes is a food-related kink known as Stuffing. What that means is eating until the point of physical pain.
In addition, those with a Feederism fetish get off on watching someone gorge themselves on food.
256. (Yes, Mistress! Submission Kink
Submission, or the other meaning for the S in BDSM, is the act of submitting to your partner’s sexual wishes and commands. In addition, submission can be used in role-playing and age play with no sex involved whatsoever.
257. (Suspension
Suspension is a bondage kink where a person is suspended, in the air, while being tied up or bound.
T Kinks
258. (Tamakeri
Tamakeri is a kink where one enjoys painful, physical abuse of their testicles. Additionally, they may receive pleasure by watching porn that depicts the kink.
259. (Teasing
Teasing is a kink where someone is brought to the edge of orgasm, by sexual teasing, and never allowed to have an orgasm. Further, this particular kink is often used in a dominant/submissive situation as punishment.
Best yet, you can find remote control sex toys to allow you to experiment with this particular activity. Only, I wouldn’t recommend not letting your partner reach orgasm.
260. (Temperature Play
Temperature Play is a kink where the genitals and naked body are exposed to extreme temperatures by way of ice, wax, hot stones and sex toys that have been stored in the freezer.
However, be careful that cold things don’t stick to the skin or hot things are too hot and leave burns.
261. (Tentacle Kink
Tentacle kink is a fantasy-type kink where people enjoy using tentacle and fantasy-type sex toys. Additionally, they may get off by watching tentacle porn.
262. (Thesauromania
This one is a kink for collecting women’s clothing. The collector may focus on specific items or categories such as underwear, shoes or lingerie.
263. (Tickling
Tickling is a kink where someone derives sexual arousal from tickling someone relentlessly, or being tickled, nearly to the point of wetting themselves. In addition, Tickling can be used as a means of torture, especially when used with bondage.
264. (Titty Sex
Titty Sex is a kink where someone with a penis, inserts it between their partner’s breasts and thrusts until they orgasm. But if titty sex isn’t your thing, or you don’t have a partner with breasts, there are beautiful breast masturbators to help satisfy your kink 24-7.
265. (Transformation Kink
This kink involves transforming into other people, or even non-human creatures. It is common in hentai and some written erotica.
U Kink
266. (Uniform Kink
Many women love a man in uniform, but not every couple incorporates this into their sex lives. However, those who do just might have a uniform fetish.
So, if you’re into firefighters, nurses or military officers, check your online sex toy retailers for kinky uniforms to help your fantasies come to life.
267. (Urtication
This nature-specific kink is the act of using the nettle plant to sting a partner’s skin, either through rubbing, smacking or flogging.
The Single V Kink
268. Voyeurism
Voyeurism is a well-known kink for watching someone else, while naked or engaged in sexual activity. So, those who enjoy porn are also enjoying a form of voyeurism.
W Kinks
269. Wax Play
Wax Play is a kink using hot wax during sex. Also, wax play is a form of temperature play where people enjoy drips of hot wax, all over the body, including the genitals.
270. Wet and Messy Kink
This kink encompasses being turned on by being soiled by things other than bodily fluids, like food, mud or other messy things. And as much fun as this may sound to some, be sure and play outside, in the shower or after laying down a tarp.
271. Whips
Whips are a part of impact play, yet a kink in and of themselves. And whips don’t necessarily have to cause pain.
On the contrary, using whips lightly can be a huge turn-on during role playing. But if you are into pushing the pleasure/pain threshold, whips can fulfill that desire, for sure.
Y Kinks
No X, So Let’s Talk About Y Kinks
272. Yeastiality
This unique kink is described as sexual activity involving bread, especially warm dough. Now, I’m not sure I would actually bake said bread, after the dough was “used”.
However, if that is your kink, who am I to yuck your yum?!
273. Yiffing
The last Y on our list of kinks and fetishes is Yiffing. So, what is Yiffing, you may ask?
Well, Yiffing is the other half of being a furry. In other words, if you’re into the Yiffy kink, you enjoy sex with furries and/or stuffed animals.
Kinks that start with the letter Z
Z Kinks
274. Zentai
The Zentai kink involves wearing skin tight suits, which cover the entire body and face, then rubbing against others dressed the same.
And while this erotic kink doesn’t involve the direct touching of genitals, it can be a unique, stimulating way of enjoying safe and kinky contact.
275. Zoo Kink
Last, but certainly not least, on our list of kinks and fetishes is Zoo Kink. Now, always remember that actual sex with animals is illegal.
Therefore, most people fulfill this kinky activity by enjoying costume play and utilizing plush sex toys and dolls.
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